Miso Broccolini Pasta
1 tbs miso paste
3 tbs Butter
1 tbs Olive oil
Garlic salt, pepper, red pepper flakes to taste
1 packet Gamelli noodles, or short noodle of choice
1 bushel shiitake mushrooms
2 cloves of garlic
Can of flat filet anchovies, use
Parmesan, amount of your choosing
90g Téte de Moine cheese, or very soft cheese of choice
Juice of half lemon
Cut off most of the thick broccolini ends, slice into florets, and add to a large saucepan with butter and oil. Season with pepper, salt of choice, and red pepper flakes
Sauté broccolini while you bring water to a boil
Thinly slice shiitake mushrooms and garlic. When broccolini appears cooked, add in mushrooms and another tablespoon of butter
Drop the noodles in the boiling water and cook
Move broccolini and mushrooms to the edges of the pan. Add olive oil in the middle of the pan along with the whole anchovy filets. Add garlic and sauté until lightly browned and anchovies have cooked down
While the veggies are sautéing and the noodles are cooking, place the cheese of choice and a bit of butter, salt, and pepper in a bowl and mix with a 3/4 cup reserve of pasta water
Take saucepan off of heat and add miso paste. Mix completely
Drain noodles, add cheese mixture, mix, then fold in contents of saucepan